As of today, 30th September, the migration of domains, accounts and services from legacy Odin/Parallels systems to our newer infrastructure is fully completed.
Customers will have received individual notifications as the various account information, domain names and services were migrated over.
Tomorrow, we'll decommission the last of our legacy hosting and email systems, marking the end of a three year process.
Although they will continue as-is for another 30 days, our legacy DNS system will also be ceasing, so customers are reminded to ensure that all their domains use the newer Anycast nameservers and in place of the deprecated legacy name servers and - this is especially important in the case of domain names registered elsewhere as we would not have been able to make the change automatically for such domain.
We will, in early November, point the old name server hostnames and our newer infrastructure to reduce the impact on domains that have not been updated when the older machines are removed.
If you have any questions regarding the migration process, or need help locating or updating domains that are still on older nameservers, please don't hesitate to get in touch with our migration support team by opening a ticket via your account at Support -> Tickets -> Submit Ticket