Migration Process Overview

Since June 2021 we have been gradually moving our existing customers onto our newer platform in order to benefit from the improved services available. 

Accounts will be migrated in a number phases, depending on the services used:

Account creation on new system [COMPLETED FOR ALL CUSTOMERS]

We will create a new account for you on our newer website at id.ie using information already present on your existing account at cp.irishdomains.com

We'll let you know when this happens so you can log in and create additional account users etc.

If you have a credit card on your existing account that is enabled for auto-payments, we'll attempt to migrate this data over.

It may not be possible to ensure all credit card data is moved, so please log on to your account after creation and add a new card to ensure service renewal if necessary.


We will migrate over any domain registrations so that your domains will be billed managed through the new system from that point onwards.

We'll move data for any current (live) domains as well as any domains that have expired for less than 30 days (Grace Period).

In general domains expired longer than 30 days are in redemption which requires manual intervention to renew - please contact our customer service if you need to do that.

Service Billing Migration [COMPLETED FOR ALL CUSTOMERS]

If you have non-domain services, we will then move the billing information for such services so that all billing will take place via the new system.

Initially a "copy" product will be created on the new system to allow renewals etc take place. The service will still physically exist and operate from our old system at this time.

DNS Migration to Anycast DNS Service [COMPLETED FOR ALL CUSTOMERS]

Over a longer period, DNS for domains will be migrated from our older ns1/ns2.irishdomains.com name servers to our geographically dispersed Anycast DNS service (a/b.dns.ie).

We'll copy all existing DNS resource records for each domain from cp.irishdomains.com to the DNS Manager system on id.ie.

This will happen for all domain names registered via Irish Domains (if using our DNS) and for domain names with email or web hosting services from Irish Domains (again only if using our DNS).

Note that in line with our acceptable use policy, only domains registered with us or using email/webhosting services with us may use our free DNS services.

Service Content Migration [COMPLETED FOR ALL CUSTOMERS]

Over a longer period, service content (websites and email) will be moved from our existing platform to the newer system.

We'll initially create a new copy of the physical service subscription on the newer platform so that it is ready to operate.

Then we'll migrate mailboxes and website content (including databases) to the new subscription and change DNS so that it becomes live.

Please view our Individual Services Migration articles for more detailed information on each service and how it will be affected by migration.

We'll do our best to keep you informed at each step in the process. 

Once we notify you of any change, please log on to your account and check that services are configured and operating as expected.

If any issues or questions arise, please submit a ticket via your account on id.ie or send email to help@id.ie so that we can address quickly.

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