Connecting your domain to SquareSpace

SquareSpace provide the specific records required to verify your control over the domain and connect to their system. The DNS records provided by SquareSpaceare can be added to your domain within the DNS Management section of your Irish Domains account.

If you've already set up the domain on SquareSpace, you should find the required records in your SquareSpace account (open "Domains" in the "Settings" panel and click on the domain name).

Access the DNS Records for your domain

Within your Irish Domains account, select Domains >> Manage DNS from the top menu
Your domain should appear under AnyCast DNS for Domins
Click on the Edit Zone icon to the right of your domain


Disconnect your domain from the Irish Domains parking server

New domains will be automatically set up with a holding page. If your domain is displaying an Irish Domains holding page, you'll just need to remove the following two records by clicking on the delete icon (bin) on the right

www ALIAS 3600
@ ALIAS 3600


Adding the SquareSpace records to your domain


Add verification CNAME record
Click on the Add Record button and complete as follows..

Name: copy & past in the unique verification code shown under "Host" on SquareSpace page
Type: CNAME   (as shown under "Record" on SquareSpace page)
TTL: 3600
Cname:   (as shown in Square Space under Required data)

Click on the Add Record Button


Add "www" CNAME record

Click on the Add Record button and complete as follows..

Name: www    (as shown under "Host" on SquareSpace page)
Type: CNAME    (as shown under "Record" on SquareSpace page)
TTL: 3600
Cname:     (as shown in SquareSpace under Required data)

Click on the Add Record Button

Add the 4 SquareSpace "A" records**

Click on the Add Record button and complete as follows..

Name: @   (as shown under "Host" on SquareSpace page)
Type: A    (as shown under "Record" on SquareSpace page)
TTL: 3600
Address:   (as shown in SquareSpace under Required data)

Click on the Add Record Button

**Repeat the above for the remaining three "A" records

Click on the Save Changes button to complete

Allow a few minutes for the records above to be published before verifying through SquareSpace.


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