Connecting your domain to Weebly

Within your Weebly account, you should find the IP address for your Weebly website.

To point your domain at your Weebly site, you need to add two "A" records pointing to the Weebly IP address.

You can add the Weebly "A" Records to your domain as follows..

Login to your account (
From top menu, select Domains >> Manage DNS
Your domain should be listed under "DNS Zones"

To the right of your domain name, click on the Edit Zone icon (pen)
This will show the list of current DNS records for your domain.

Your domain may be connected to our domain parking service, if so, you'll need to remove the Parking records before adding the new records..
Remove the two ALIAS Records that link to (click on the Remove Record icon on the right)

www ALIAS 3600
@ ALIAS 3600


Note: If your domain was previously pointing to a different hosting service, you should similarly remove the pre-existing "@" and "www" records


You can now add the Weebly records..

Record 1: "A" record on root domain

Click on the Add Record Button and complete as follows..

  • Name: @
  •  Type: A
  • TTL: 3600
  • RDATA:   <-- This IP address is an example only, please check on your Weebly account for the correct IP address for your website

Click on the Add Record button to complete


Record 2:  "A" record on www

Click Add Record again and complete as follows..

  • Name: www
  • Type: A
  • TTL: 3600
  • RDATA:    <-- This IP address is an example only, please check on your Weebly account for the correct IP address for your website

Click on the Add Record button


The changes above may take about an hour or so to fully propagate.

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