General problems sending/receiving after email outage or connection issues

When many email programs encounter an issue connecting to our systems via POP3/IMAP/SMTP, their first response is to pop up a window asking you to re-enter your mailbox password.

Unfortunately many email programs (Outlook being the main culprit) will do this even if the problem connecting was not actually password related.

This might cause you to try different (or no) passwords or maybe try to change the password on their mailbox.

In a lot of cases, this ends up with the password on your email program being incorrect and you continuing to experience problems connecting, even after the main issue is resolved.

The first thing to do is establish definitively that you know the correct password.

To do this, you should first try and log in to Webmail with the email address and corresponding password that you believe is correct:

If you are on our legacy system, log on to webmail at

If you receive a message like "Login Failed" is it likely you are using the wrong password and you will need to reset it via your control panel as per the article below:

How do I change the password for my email account?

After you have reset the password and the mailbox displays as "In Sync: yes" in your control panel, please double check it in webmail as above.

Once you can log in to webmail and see your messages etc, then you can address connection issues with your email program or device.

The exact procedure may depend on your the exact email program/device/version you are using but you should ensure it is configured with the recommended settings (see article below)  and that the new password is entered for both incoming and outgoing messages.

Email account settings for all email programs and devices

Once the password and incoming/outgoing settings are corrected, you should be able to send/receive messages in the normal way again.

If you still encounter issues, please open a support ticket via your account at or reply to the existing ticket if you have one - the useful information for us to help further is to let us know what changes you have already made, the mailbox(es) affected, what error is shown when connecting (screenshot).

It is also useful to send us a screenshot of the page(s) on your email program or device that show the incoming and outgoing email settings, including server names, port numbers and security/encryption settings.

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