Email account settings for all email programs and devices

If you want to access your mailbox via an email program on your PC such as Outlook or on a device such as an iPhone, you will need to manually configure the account on that program or device.

The configuration procedure and some of the terminology will vary from device to device but the required settings are the same for all.

Preferred configuration:

Incoming Email (IMAP) 

IMAP Server (Host) name:
Port Number: 993
Encryption: SSL/TLS
Username: (your email address)
Password: (your email password)

Outgoing Email (SMTP) 

SMTP Server (Host) name:
Port Number: 587
Encryption: STARTTLS
Authentication: Required (Password)
Username:(your email address)
Password:(your email password)

If you are on our legacy system, or have migrated over from that, then the hostnames "" or "" are also acceptable.

Alternative Configurations:

Incoming Email (POP3)*

POP3 Server (Host) name:
Port Number: 995
Encryption: SSL/TLS
Username: (your email address)
Password: (your email password

Outgoing Email (SMTP) - New system only

SMTP Server (Host) name:
Port Number:465
Encryption: SSL/TLS
Authentication: Required (Password)
Username:(your email address)
Password:(your email password))

In general, we recommend to use IMAP for all devices as this allows proper synchronization of folders, sent items etc. across all devices.
POP3 is useful for certain situations (such as when configuring your mailbox as an additional address in Gmail).
In in doubt, ask the person that manages your IT infrastructure or PC which is best for your situation.


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